How we determine your pest control needs

Communication is critical. When a pest problem is suspected, call us immediately to describe what it is that you noticed. Don’t wait! Some pests breed quickly and in large numbers, so you’ll want to act fast. In some cases, a “virtual inspection” may be possible with a smart phone by video conferencing through a software such as Skype or by sending pictures through email. We will promptly schedule an appointment and send one of our Certified Pesticide Applicators to inspect and evaluate the problem.
Inspect and Identify
We will do a thorough inspection in and around the area where the pests are suspected. During the inspection we ask the customer what they have observed, and we look for evidence that will help us determine the specific problem. This may include nests, droppings, partially eaten or destroyed items, and other tell-tale signs. In addition to this evidence, our certified technician also considers the building structure, harborage (shelter), entrance and exit routes, the customer’s traffic times and patterns, food sources, and the environment. All these factors help a professional exterminator identify the specific insect, rodent, or animal to be eliminated.
For more information on pest identification, visit the National Pest Management Association, Inc.
Locate the Source
Once the insect, rodent or animal is identified, we will look for its harborage and determine the source of the problem. The first and most important decision to be made is whether or not a pesticide application is even necessary. Recommendations for sanitation, maintenance improvements, habitat alteration, reduction of moisture, work procedure changes, safe practices and treatment methods are all considered.
Determine a Plan of Action
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) means considering the use of a combination of methods available to control a pest. The question we ask is, “What technique can be used to best control the pest without exposing humans and pets to unnecessary chemical hazards?” A technician is able to evaluate the entire situation and examine all available information to come up with a detailed plan and schedule for desired results.
Non-chemical alternatives are always considered first. For example, exclusion methods using screen, caulks, steel wool and plastics are possible deterrents to the pest. If treatment is needed, techniques include treating the perimeter, cracks and crevices, baiting, spot treatment, fogging and void treatments. With cooperation, the result will be the control of the current pest problem as well as prevention of future pests.
There is much more to exterminating than meets the eye. We do not recommend the general public handle pesticides of any nature. They are only safe when applied by a trained Certified Pesticide Applicator. Horror stories include an individual who caused a fire while trying to rid his home of a bee’s nest by burning it. Another caused her trailer to explode by using an over-the-counter fogger while the pilot light of her stove was still lit (all because she did not read the can).
Certified Pesticide Applicators are licensed and trained to use pesticides safely and only when absolutely necessary. An application should be done ONLY by a trained professional to be precise, safe and effective.
If you suspect a pest problem, call Moore Control to request a free inspection, and a Certified Pesticide Applicator will be sent to your residence or business to discuss recommended treatment options.
Additional Suggestions for Reducing or Preventing Pests
Listed below are some suggestions regarding sanitation and maintenance to help reduce or prevent pest problems without the use of chemicals.
Sanitation – All pests, from bacteria to bears, require food, water, and shelter. By limiting the food and harborage, you can help control the pests by approximately 20-30% or more. Regarding German roaches, sanitation is more than half of the battle, so cooperation is very important. With a good plan of action in place for both interior and exterior, a vast majority of pest problems can be controlled.
Temperature – Heat in the home provides a comfortable setting for pests to live. Most insects and rodents thrive within a certain temperature range. For German roaches, a temperature of 65 degrees or less, affects both movement and production. A temperature above 150 degrees in the attic will kill most insects and rodents over a period of time. Our technicians can provide advice on specific pests as needed.
Water – Elimination of excess water will also make a big difference. Examples are excess mop water or a leaking pipe. Carpenter ants, for example, can thrive in a wall behind a leaky bathtub. Excess water can also create mold, which is a major food source for many insects.
Harborage – Simply put, this is the pest’s shelter. Once the insect, rodent or animal is identified, our experts will know where to look, and what to look for, with regard to the type of harborage specific to that pest. For example, roaches prefer paper and wood. We have found them in clocks, radios, alarms, ultrasound boxes (which are supposed to repel them), cardboard boxes, bags, napkins, microwave ovens, brushes, brooms, behind wallpaper, paneling, fake brick and many other strange places. German roaches can live in or on practically anything, which is why they are so hard to control. They are generally found around the kitchen and bathroom areas, while a Cadelle beetle, commonly mistaken for a roach, lives outside . Another example includes the harborage of different species of rodents in the New Jersey area. There are several species of mice and two species of rats (Norway and Roof ) common to this area. Roof rats and mice will travel and most likely live higher up in a building, whereas the Norway rats tend to favor areas closer to the ground. Once the rodent has been correctly identified, it is easier to eliminate.
Other Considerations – When an exterminator inspects a home or building, he is looking for specific things. The general construction of the building has a lot to do with control, hidden damage and infestations. An inspection may also include surrounding property. A quick glance, taking notice of streams and water runoff, would help determine whether or not there may be moisture problems. Foliage density, landscaping, and tree limbs may provide access for squirrels and raccoons, while proximity to your neighbor’s property is also a consideration. Utilities can be a highway to your home. Electric and cable wires can be runways for ants. Sewer pipes provide avenues for rats to burrow around. All areas of the home or building must be inspected to determine possible harborage sites for pests.